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About The Maker

Meet Steven Bader, the talented maker of original hand-carved footwear, handcrafted holsters and a variety of custom leather goods. Built by hand, built to last.

Steven grew up in Southern Colorado on his family’s cattle ranch just outside of Walsenburg and spent most of his weekends riding bulls. He got started doing leatherwork in 4H as a kid. He worked for a leather manufacturing company in Alaska where he gained most of the skills he has today. Steven started an Etsy shop and began selling small items like carved wallets, firefighter helmet shields, firefighter radio harnesses, etc. before someone messaged him with a request to create a pair of fully carved wedge shoes. He was quick to take on the challenge, and the rest was history. He spent a lot of time developing his own style, patterns, and opening his creative side. To this day he has had a pair of chaps at the NFR, in the PBR, built saddles, tack, and the list goes on. He is inspired by timeless western carving. From the maker, “I always think of the way a beautiful old saddle patinas with time, and I always hope to create a one-of-a-kind item that only gets better with age.”

Steven is a full time Engineer/EMT for the Trinidad Fire Department. When he is not in the shop his focus is on being a first responder for the City of Trinidad, its citizens, visitors, and the environment he protects.

What Inspires Your Designs?

I like to think we are inspired by timeless western carving and tooling.  I always think of the way a beautiful old saddle patinas with time, and I always hope to create a pair of shoes that only get better with age.

What are your top three favorite things about the pieces you make?

Each and every pair of shoes is hand-drawn and tooled, so no two pair are alike.  I am able to create so many different looks using different materials (hand-tooled leather, cowhide, Pendleton fabric, etc.) while keeping my signature style the same.  The level of thought and care that goes into the finishing touches of each piece.  I spare no expense.  We spend almost as much time finishing each piece as we do tooling it.  No rough edges, here!

What is an unexpected challenge people may not realize exists about the shoes you make?

I receive the wedge/heel bottoms only as a bare piece.  I create and add the cushioned footbed and leather lining by hand cutting each individual piece.  The process is extensive, and it takes several days to build a single pair just because of the number of times we have to wet, glue, and allow each section of work to dry.

What’s your advice for someone struggling to curate their own personal style?

I struggle with this myself.  In the age of Instagram, it’s hard to feel like you are being unique.  Beating to your own drum can be seriously exhausting.  Plain and simple, wear what you want, when you want.  Don’t feel like you need to keep up with the Joneses because you’ll never be satisfied.  Make sure what you’re wearing makes you FEEL good.  Don’t be afraid to mix it up.  

Tell us something we may not know!

Steven graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelors in Business Management and was on the rodeo team from 2006-2010.

What is one piece of advice you’d give someone looking to start her business?

DO IT.  Don’t quit your job yet (I always see that meme, something about quitting your job and buying a ticket… maybe be a little more thoughtful about it than that.)  But don’t be afraid to go to other successful business owners who you may look up to.  Ask them for advice, most of us are more than willing to help.


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